Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Sexuality, in The Hobbit?

So there I am on one of the various facebook writing groups I frequent, and someone starts an "unpopular opinions" thread. This was already never going to end well, obviously.

It doesn't take long for someone to throw in "sexuality can be unimportant". I roll my eyes, because if any trope in the world is overdone, cishet privilege about what constitutes importance is overdone.

And then this guy in the comments agrees, and says that there are stories that don't call for it in the slightest - "The Hobbit for one".

And obviously, this is true! The Hobbit doesn't mention sexuality at all!

... um, until page 4.

"...long ago one of the Took ancestors must have taken a fairy wife."


But that's the only one, right?

... no, not even the only one on that page.

"Not that Belladonna Took ever had any adventures after she became Mrs. Bungo Baggins."*

Oops again.

I could go on, but I'd only end up re-reading the whole of The Hobbit tonight and that wouldn't get this blog post written. Suffice to say that sexual orientation is referenced numerous times in The Hobbit.

"That's not sexuality!" cry the usual suspects.

Oh, no?

If the descriptions of Bilbo's various ancestors and relatives had mentioned one of his aunts taking a fairy wife, they'd call it sexuality, and probably cry about tokenism / corrupting children / the Gay Agenda, or whatever it is they're currently crying about.

"Sexuality" in books isn't just for LGBTQ+ people.

The fact that you don't see opposite-sex relationships as "sexuality" is an artefact of history and of your straight privilege, I get it. And it's hard to start seeing the wood for the trees, to get your eye in and notice what's been in plain sight all along. It's natural that you're going to feel a bit weird at first about seeing non-straight sexuality represented as casually and equally as straight sexuality has always been. Your discomfort is noted.









* There is of course nothing to say that Belladonna Took was not bisexual, or indeed a lesbian hobbit who only married Bungo to preserve her reputation, and oh gods stop me before I write this fanfic

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